Mark Whalberg has a very colorful history. He did not just rise to fame, he had to go through a lot of trials and challenges that he had to overcome.
Wahlberg was addicted to cocaine by the age of 13 and had dropped out of school to join the group “New Kids on the Block” with his brother Donnie. Most of us remember the pant-dropping performer who fronted Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch after he dropped out to pursue a solo music career. Despite his substance abuse and controversy, he managed to become the successful actor, loving husband, and father that we see today.

This is why, now he makes prayer a part of his routine. “I take two days a week off from the gym now,” he said. “I don’t take a day off from getting on my hands and knees, from reading my prayer book and my daily devotionals.”
Mark Wahlberg, 48, incorporates prayer into his daily routine because he understands the importance of it. Mark Wahlberg claims that his faith helps him be a better father to his four children. His children are Ella (16), Brendan (14), Michael (13), and Grace (10).
His primary prayer is for patience. He said. “I want to be an example, with my work ethic, with my commitment to my faith, with my commitment to my family. I’ve been put in this position for a reason, it’s not to forget about where I came from. I have to utilize these talents and gifts that have been given to me to help others.”
Mark, like most of us, admits that he is a work in progress. He says he has grown older and wiser. He said that he has regretted some choices he made in his younger years, he said, ”I just always hope that God is a movie fan and also forgiving because I’ve made some poor choices in my past.”
His wife is also a significant part of the changes he has made to his life. “I owe a lot to my wife. She has helped me become the man that I am and created a beautiful life for me and our children. I also knew that she loved me for who I am and that she was someone I could trust. Until I met her, I wasn’t ready to have a family,” the 49-year old action star said.

God is merciful and forgiving. As the Bible tells us, he forgives and forgets our sins as far as the east is to the west. We must continue to trust God even in times we feel that we do not deserve forgiveness. This is why we must trust in Jesus and his complete forgiveness for our sins.
Like Whalberg, we must also take time each day to pray to God. Although God knows all that we need, all the more we should pray. This is because we can find comfort and hope that our Father in heaven will supply all we need in times we really need them.