Lifestyle7-month-old Baby Shows Enjoyment In Praising God At Church

7-month-old Baby Shows Enjoyment In Praising God At Church

When we were still young, our parents start teaching us a lot of thing in life that we always need to remember. They want us to learn from them as adults as they prepare a brighter future for all of us. The Bible instructs parents to teach a child in the way he should go because when time comes that he is already fully matured, he will not depart from it and he will surely apply all the things that you taught him. Children are observant enough that almost everything that their parents do are being imitated by them. They often thought that whatever their parents do is the right way so we also need to be extra careful of our action.

Parents are expected to introduce Jesus to their children. You need to make sure you encourage them to participate in Sunday Schools to learn stories about the life of Jesus. It is your responsibility to introduce salvation to your children and make sure that they receive Jesus in the heart preparing them to live a Christ-like life in the coming days. Soon they will meet new people and will learn various things in life without your guidance, but if you have already instilled positive things and Christian acts to them. they will surely remember these things for the rest of their lives.

A 7-month-old baby girl was caught on a video as her dad is holding her during church service. The cute little baby seems to enjoy the songs being sung by the praise and worship team and it looks like she enjoys singing hymns to God. She may be innocent and too young to understand what’s happening but the vibes upon seeing her affect the people inside the church too! It only shows how much happiness you can achieve if you offer your life to Jesus. There will be no sorrow, no pain, no agony and no negative thoughts in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Living life with Jesus by your side is extremely wonderful for He will supply overflowing blessings and will fill your hearts with never-ending joy.

Cute Baby Praising God
MUST SEE!! 7 month girl worshiping God at church. So happy!!

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