A 12-year-old tiny little girl Ansley Burn stands at the center of their church impressing everyone with her incredible voice. It is such a unique talent for a girl at a very young age to have a voice likely similar and often compared to the famous Celine Dion and Cher. What’s more amazing with Ansley is that she’s using her talent to give praises to God. We have heard a lot of renditions of this famous gospel song How Great Thou Art, and we reflect it’s heart-melting lyrics.

Nothing is greater than God’s creation. Each one of us is a unique masterpiece that we should be thankful to the Lord. We are bestowed with incredible talents and if you haven’t discovered it yet, now is the perfect time to determine God’s gift to you. Don’t be afraid to show others what you got, be proud and nurture your gift. Give thanks to God by using these talents in His ministry. Don’t miss the video below because this little girl will give you goosebumps through her amazing performance.