LifestyleClayton Jennings Crumples $100 Bill To Show Our Worth In The Eyes...

Clayton Jennings Crumples $100 Bill To Show Our Worth In The Eyes Of God, Listen And Be Inspired!

We value our life as God’s creation and we also show great value to all the things that God has added to our lives. Relating it to the economy, all the things that we see in the market differ in value depending on its importance. There are kinds of stuff that costs cheap while some others cost a higher amount based on supply and demand. We all understand the true meaning of worth and value but do we really understand how much God values His creation?

Clayton Jennings is an American author and evangelist who was born and raised in Indiana. He is known for being a motivational speaker based on the videos that he uploaded on the social media. We’ve learned a lot of things from this man of God and now his recent video delivers a great message that will truly touch everyone’s heart. His mission in life is to spread the word of God and teach everyone about the good news that Jesus wants us to be aware of.

Based on his video, Clayton used a $100 bill as an example to show how much our worth is. He crumpled the $100 bill and after doing so, nothing changed in its form but it still shows the same bill though it’s already crumpled. The message speaks to everyone that no matter what we did in the past or no matter how sinful our life is if we asked forgiveness to God and repent of our sins, He is still faithful and just to forgive us. Being a sinner before we were transformed as a child of God doesn’t decrease your value. Our God is a forgiving God and He loves us so much that He is always willing to forgive. Turn away from your sins and repent! Accept Jesus in your heart and start living a Christ-like life.

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