We all know Toby Mac from the many hit Christian songs he has written. These songs have been sung in churches all over the world. It seems that God has blessed him in many ways. But like Job, he was also tested in his faith. His son, Truett Foster McKeehan, died of an unexpected death: drug overdose.
To me, grief comes in waves. Some days it hits you really hard. Other days, I can’t say it’s ever stayed off of me but I can’t say that it hasn’t beat me up some days. Let’s put it like that,” Toby Mac said in a video, ”And then when I lost Truett or when we lost Truett, everything changed. I met grief in the fiercest way.”

But it seems that God has prepared Toby Mac with the passing of his son. He met a guy in Austin, Texas, who lost his son. He played golf with him and while playing, the man said that he lost his son in a car accident.
“It was really interesting. He told me a few things that were like preparing me kind of. He told me that when you go through something hard, you have to grab onto something you can trust. His thing was to grab onto a promise of God,” Toby Mac recalls. God never promised that there would be no pain, but He did promise to be by our side during the difficult times, according to the man.
The Christian artist said that God doesn’t always take away the bad and painful experiences but He promises that He will be with us through it all. And that’s what Toby Mac has been focusing on. “That’s what I held on to and I found Him there, or He found me there,” he said.
According to Toby Mac, his family has tried a variety of methods to cope with their loss, including counseling. During those difficult times, he said, the community’s and loved ones’ support was crucial.
“I spoke about eternity before, but I never really thought about it deeply because I didn’t need to,” TobyMac said. “I always trusted God. I always walked with God. It’s not a question of that, but it was like to deeply think about it.”
He added that he prayed for the support and the comfort of their loved ones in the dark moments. And God has answered that prayer through the many support from the social media community and different posts supporting them through the tough ordeal.
In conclusion, Toby Mac said that there were times in the past that he did not feel that God was with him. But during the times of grief, he said that he felt God was close and that He never left him.
God says in the Bible that He will never leave us nor forsake us. That even during times we are not faithful to Him, He remains faithful for He cannot deny Himself. If you are going through tough times today, know that you are loved and that our God is true to His promise that He will save you.