Respect for one’s convictions and the willingness to make sacrifices in the name of faith are values that command admiration. Brendan Johnston, a former high school wrestler from Colorado, exemplifies this commitment. In 2018, he made a significant personal choice by forfeiting two state tournament matches scheduled against female opponents, ultimately concluding his high school wrestling career.

Brendan’s decision was grounded in his religious beliefs and personal principles. The contentious issue of pitting adult males against adult females in physical competition has been a subject of growing discussion in recent times. Many argue that such contests are inherently unfair due to the inherent biological and physical differences between the sexes.
At the age of 18, Brendan Johnston took exception to the prospect of wrestling against Jaslynn Gallegos of Skyview High in the first round of a state tournament. As a senior at the Classical Academy in Colorado Springs, he also declined to compete against Angel Rios from Valley High in his third-round consolation match. Speaking to KDVR, Brendan explained that he felt uncomfortable with the close physical contact and aggression involved in wrestling against female opponents.

Brendan’s decision was deeply rooted in his Christian faith and upbringing, as well as his perception of treating women with respect. He clarified that he didn’t view women as unequal but rather recognized the inherent differences between men and women while valuing them equally.
The consequences of Brendan’s choice were evident as he placed sixth in the tournament, with Angel and Jaslynn finishing fourth and fifth, respectively. Jaslynn, while understanding Brendan’s decision, expressed her aspiration to be recognized as a wrestler first and foremost, irrespective of her gender.
Brendan Johnston’s story highlights the complex discussions surrounding gender and athletics, emphasizing the importance of respecting individual beliefs and choices while striving for gender equality in sports.