LifestyleFourth 'God's Not Dead' to Talk Christian Homeschooling and Religious Liberties

Fourth ‘God’s Not Dead’ to Talk Christian Homeschooling and Religious Liberties

We the People as Reverend Dave (White) is called to defend a group of Christian homeschooling families. He finds himself taken aback by the interference of the government, and believing that their right to educate their own children is a freedom worth fighting for, Reverend Dave is called to Washington DC to testify in a landmark congressional hearing that will determine the future of religious freedom in our country for years to come.

“We feel honored to provide our faithful audience another installment in the God’s Not Dead franchise that provides a compelling, timely, and convicting message,” Pinnacle Peak Pictures founding partner Michael Scott shared, “The themes in this film reflect news headlines and encourage believers to remain strong in their fight to protect their spiritual rights and God-given freedoms.”

White said the upcoming movie is inspired by “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” two classic films. Much like the other films in the series, “God’s Not Dead 4” is slated to offer us powerful examples that will guide and inspire our faith, it will be released this fall.

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