God requires everyone to pray as a way of communicating with Him. We pray for a lot of reasons. We do not pray just to ask something from Him but most importantly, we take time to pray and thank God for His faithfulness in our lives. We do not pray just for ourselves, but we also pray for other people that they might be blessed. Prayer is the strongest weapon on earth, through which, we are able to overcome all temptations that the world brings. Pray in an empty room where silence reign that you may not have any distraction the moment you start talking to God.
A boy from Baltimore, Maryland was caught by a police officer and was taken in a photo while he was doing something unusual on the street. He was bending over his knees towards a homeless man sleeping along the way. The teen was waiting for his bus to arrive when the homeless man caught his attention. At first the police officer was having second thoughts about what the boy is doing but later on, he found out that the teenager was praying for the homeless man.
How selfless it is to pray for somebody you didn’t know. It is indeed a generous act to say a simple prayer to a stranger. But this kind gesture made the people admire him and most importantly, it is indeed an act that made God happy. The angels in heaven must be celebrating that day seeing one righteous soul who has no intention at all but to ask God to help this poor homeless man.