A wedding is one of the special days that a woman waits for her entire life. They couldn’t wait until somebody they love would propose to them in marriage. Women foresee marriage as a magical event wherein they would turn in to a princess and would marry the prince of their life. They spend a lot of time preparing for this special event starting from the date that they will be marrying, decorations, the invitations and who the guests will be and the most important part which is the food to be served.

A woman had her dream came true of getting married and just like any other women, she has spent most of her time for the preparation just to make sure that it will be a memorable one. Without her knowing, her soon to be husband is also up into something. The groom prepared a special number for his bride and the rest of the guests. After the wedding ceremony, they prepared and waited at the reception area until the bride enters the room. The groom together with some other men were getting ready for a very funny dance number.

When the bride entered the room, they started dancing having some perky music being played. One of them was the bride’s brother who was also dressed like a grown-up man. They were so cute to look as they exhibit various dance steps and it looks like they have really practiced a lot for this surprise. The bride, along with the other guests were bursting in laughter and everyone else in the room has filled their hearts with joy. It was indeed a memorable day for the bride and she was so happy during her wedding day. You don’t need to spend more just for a surprise because even simple things can be a reason for somebody to be happy. Love is not measured on how much you spent and how much you have given. It is measured by your intention to let other people feel that you truly love them.