James Johnston, who works at J&J Lawn Service, was on his way after a long 12-hour shift when he saw an older man struggling to push the large and bulky mower on his lawn. He did not hesitate for a moment even though he was beaten from his job, he hopped down his truck and helped cut the grass.

While it may seem like a small gesture, the assistance that James gave to the old man was very much appreciated.
James unloaded his own mower which he uses for work and went to the man to ask if he could help.
The eyes of the tired man lit up when James asked. While he did not hear the old man’s response, James took it as a yes and began to work.
When he started, the man went to his wife who was watching from their house. He hunched his head over her shoulder as if saying God has sent us an angel.
Being the expert that he was, James was through with cleaning the lawn in under 15 minutes. He said, “It only took 15 mins of my time. I changed their life, for a small moment. I hope someone reads this and feels like doing something good for someone tomorrow. I’m grateful to be where I’m at and I’m thankful for the people that help me get here.”
The wife went to James and thanked him. She also told him that their riding mower broke down which was why her husband had to manually clean up the lawn. This gave James an idea.
The following day, James launched a GoFundMe page which aimed to buy the family a new riding mower. He started it by donating $100. The goal was to raise $1000 and by the end of the campaign, they raised a total of $3,980.

The Cheerful Giver
The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)