LifestyleMississippi Teen Rescues Missing Elderly Man with Dementia: ‘It Was All God’

Mississippi Teen Rescues Missing Elderly Man with Dementia: ‘It Was All God’

17-year-old Katy Qualls found herself determined to join the search and rescue operation to an elderly man who has dementia after stumbling across about him on her community’s Facebook page.

According to Katy, she immediately went straight to her parents and asked for their permission to help find the missing man. She said, she won’t be able to go to sleep until the man is found. She thought of him as his grandfather or somebody and it just doesn’t sit right with her.

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With her parent’s approval, Katy dressed for the cold and set out into the night. She wasn’t alone though, the whole community was with her.

Most of the search teams headed out into the woods but Katy Qualls decided to follow her guts and took a different path.

She went to a particular house where she usually go to. It was never locked but that night, it was. It seemed odd to her so she decided to walk around it and that’s when she found the man laying on the floor on his side and backed up into the bushes. According to Katy, he blended in with the mulch that you wouldn’t be able to see him unless you walk into the bushes.

Katy immediately comforted the man, assuring him that she will not hurt her and that she knew his son and grandkids. Then, with all her might, she picked up the man into her arms and carried her to the police while they wait for his family to show up.

People are applauding Katy for her determination but for her, it was only God who deserved all the praise. She truly believe that He made it happen for a reason. She thinks that God has a plan for her and she doesn’t know what it is but she’s sure it’s about helping people.

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