When Dakota Nelson’s soulmate, love of his life, and mother of their seven children suddenly passed away, everything changed for him. Dakota went outside to put some tools away while Ream Nelson was cleaning up their family garage. The mother of children aged 1 to 16 was lying on the ground with her eyes wide open and had turned blue when he returned just five minutes later.
Dakota began CPR on his 38-year-old wife right away and yelled for their 11-year-old son to dial 911. Ream was taken to the emergency room at the Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls, where he was conscious. Ream’s brain had been without oxygen for over 20 minutes, according to the doctors. Her heart had slowed down suddenly. Ream died three months after being in a coma in the ICU.

Dakota was taken aback as his children opened a gift box containing a $1,000 Walmart gift card as well as a $1,000 grocery card. That wasn’t all, however. Dakota broke down in tears when Nate Eaton, a news anchor for East Idaho News, handed him a check for $8,000 in the mail. Dakota’s gratitude was already evident in his avalanche of feelings.
Dakota’s emotions were bursting at the seams. A family he didn’t know would want to help someone they didn’t know, he couldn’t believe it with tears in his eyes and barely a word out of his mouth. Dakota knew that the money would be used to buy a vehicle that could transport all of the Nelson family members because they didn’t have a car large enough to transport them all.

The family has received nearly $57,000 in donations since the account was opened. Despite the fact that Ream has been gone for over a year, the love and donations continue to pour in. As one might expect, it was going to be a difficult time for the family, but the support has kept them going.
“It is hard to write this as I am at a total loss of words. There is no way for me to accurately convey how grateful we are for this kindness. As I was surprised with the gifts, I looked at my kids – who will remember this event forever as the best time they had in a hard time. Thank you for being an example to my family on how to look out for the needs of others,” Dakota said.
“It’s thanks to everyone who helped out,” Dakota explained. “All the prayers and donations and everything else. It really made a transition into a different lifestyle a lot easier.” A few years after the Secret Santa surprise, Dakota Nelson and his family have had more time to heal. They are doing well as a result of the love and support they have received, according to the father of seven children. Even though their hearts will always ache for Ream, it was the kindness shown by others that helped the family get through the darkest days of their grief.
Their faith in Him has only grown stronger as a result of the tragedy they’ve endured. Dakota, on the other hand, praises God for the healing of their hearts. “Honestly, it’s our Father in Heaven working in each one of our lives,” Dakota said. “I’ve realized that I’m nothing without Him.”
Those who trust in the Lord will find comfort even amidst the darkest days. The love God gives to His children is immeasurable and enough to get us through the valley and bring us to better days.