Did the Apostle Paul teach that Jesus is God? Anthony Rogers and Carlos Xavier debate the evidence LIVE Friday, August 23, at 7:00pm (Eastern Time).
Anthony Rogers has an A.A. in Christian Philosophy from Christ College (Lynchburg, VA) and a B.Div from Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of America, in which capacity he serves as the regional director in South Carolina for Metanoia Prison Ministries. He has contributed to numerous theological journals and books, including the book, Our God is Triune: Essays in Biblical Theology, edited by Michael Burgos, jr. He has a wife and four children and resides somewhere in South Carolina where jihadis can’t find him.
Carlos Xavier was born in Nicaragua and grew up agnostic before converting to the Christian unitarian view in his early 30s. He currently lives with his wife in Georgia, USA, and works for Restoration Fellowship managing the YouTube.com/RestorationFellowship channel, thehumanjesus.org and christenemylove.com websites. Carlos has hosted many notable scholars on his channel like Dr. Larry Hurtado, Dr. Daniel Kirk and historian Richard Rubenstein. You can watch his other debates with Jonathan McLatchie and Ethan Smith on YouTube.com/RestorationFellowship channel.
#Debate #AnthonyRogers #CarlosXavier