A family in Iowa recently suffered the loss of their one-year-old child. However, the family can take solace in the fact the little girl’s life has saved the life of two other children and an adult. The Avengers Endgame movie might have Thor and other comic book heroes, but Coralynn is a true hero…and her video has been seen over 7 million times.
When Coralynn, a 22-month-old from New Hampton, Iowa, was having a hard time breathing, her parents, Meagan and Paul, got her to the hospital for help. She needed more help though and Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN was the best place to go.

Complications happened before Coralynn got to Mayo Clinic, and as a result, Coralynn’s heart stopped. According to the post that has been shared on Facebook, the medical team in Cresco, Iowa worked for 25 minutes giving CPR to Coralynn. She was stabilized enough after that to make the trip to Rochester…and it was there that the tests began to get an update on Coralynn’s condition.
The worst news came to the family after a cat scan. Coralynn suffered brain damage and after her brain started to swell, an emergency cat scan showed that it wasn’t possible for Coralynn to come back. On Easter Sunday, Coralynn passed away.
“Even though Coralynn was so young, she made a huge impact on the world. Coralynn was able to donate her heart and save a 1 year old little boy, her liver saved a 1 year old little girl, and her kidneys went to help a 41 year old lady. – Coralynn’s Obituary”
Before Coralynn became a superhero, she took the hero walk through the halls at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, and those last moments were caught on video. It shows the hospital staff lining the hallways as the young girl was taken into the operating room. Some of the staff sang ‘Amazing Grace’ in tribute to Coralynn. Meagan whispered softly into her daughter’s ear. She told her she was on her way to save three lives. She told her daughter also that her mother would love her forever.