What began as a four-day revival event at a local church in Hammond, Louisiana, has turned into a 19-week-long revival, and it appears to have no end in sight.

The event started on October 16th of last year at the Old Zion Baptist Church, with only about 125 people in attendance on the first night. However, by the fourth night, the gymnasium was packed with people, and 34 individuals had given their hearts to Jesus Christ.
The event continued to gain momentum, and evangelist David R. Harrison of Voice of Hope Ministries set up his 2,500-seat tent in Hammond to accommodate the growing crowds. Brian Lester, Harrison’s assistant, revealed that the revival has continued to gain momentum over the past 19 weeks, and over 1,300 individuals have been saved, with countless other lives having been transformed.

Lester credits the Asbury Awakening for the increasing desire for revival in the area. The Asbury revival started as a small spark of Spirit-led worship, prayer, and repentance in the Asbury University chapel on February 8th.
Over the course of two weeks, it grew as thousands of Christians from all over the country participated. The outpouring has since touched the hearts and minds of young people on both Christian and secular university campuses, churches, and youth events.

While the Asbury revival ended with the school, the Hammond revival is still ongoing, with an estimated 25,000 to 30,000 people attending so far. Prayer services are scheduled on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, while full worship services are scheduled on Thursdays and Fridays under the blue tent. These services are also live-streamed on Facebook.

According to Lester, the Hammond revival is only gaining momentum, and they believe that what is happening in Louisiana needs to spread throughout the entire nation. As the revival continues to impact and transform lives, it is clear that its impact will be felt for years to come.