Being a parent is not an easy job because you need to make sure that you teach your children the right way of living life every single day. A child grows up following the things that their parents taught them and most of the time their attitude are based on how their parents raised them. The Holy Bible reminds all parents to train up a child in the way he should go for when he is old, surely he will not depart from it.

A few mothers were interviewed and was recorded on a video of how they see themselves as a parent. Most of them gave a negative response wherein they speak about their weakness as a mother. There are times that they pray that they will be given enough patience every time their kids are being hard to them. Some are asking for temper because they can’t hold it anymore every time their kids are giving them a headache.
After a week, now it’s the children’s time to be interviewed. What they didn’t know is that their mothers are watching them on a monitor screen. The mothers were surprised when they heard what their kid has to say. All of the things that they describe about their mom are full of positivity and gratefulness. According to them, their moms are their heroes because they are always there to love and support them. Don’t miss out the play button because you need to hear what these children gotta say!