God has given us our life which is the most precious gift of all that no amount of money can buy. It is something that we should be thankful for the rest of our lives. We may have experienced ups and downs, smooth and rough roads but still God is always there to rescue us every time we fall. He showed great love when He sent His only begotten Son in to the world sacrificing His life on the cross to pay for our sins. His love is unconditional and His grace is truly amazing!

Aaron Gray and Josh Arnett are two contractors who were blessed with an incredible talent in singing. They do not only sing for people to admire them, they sing songs which lifts up the Holy name of Jesus. Aaron and Josh grew up with love and passion for Southern gospel group and when they turned to be an adult, they both worked in the construction. In 2015, they were seen on a video singing “How Great Thou Art” and it suddenly went viral.
Now they’re back with a classic sweet song “Amazing Grace” that most of us our very familiar to. This song is often heard at church during Sunday service. These guys have a powerful voice and good thing that they’re using it in God’s ministry. Treasure what God gave you and always make sure to use it in a good way. Sing not for people to admire you or gain fame, sing for the love of Jesus and shares God’s message to everyone through singing. Watch the video below and reflect on the message of the song as you discover how amazing God’s grace is.