Our stay in this world is temporary and everything on earth is passing. God gave us the ultimate gift of life and we only have one life that will soon be over in God’s perfect time. Live your life to the fullest by considering the very main reason why we were made. God made humans for a purpose of serving Him while we are living in this world. It could be in a lot of forms and you can choose where you perfectly fit. God is awake 24/7 and He knows every single thing that you do. The day of the Lord will soon come and He will be judging the living and the dead. Have you done enough to praise and serve God when you were still alive? Did you live your life in accordance with God’s plan? Ask yourself as early as now for the day will come that we will meet Him at the end of a beautiful shore.
Ben Hester exhibits a purity of a soulful voice to a modern arrangement of Southern Gospel music. He was bestowed with a very unique voice that could sound old to somebody but listening numerous times could give you a sense of appreciation and realize such unique God-given talent. Ben released his own rendition of In a Sweet By and By featuring a folk-style way of singing that is new to everyone’s ears.
Worship songs are intended to spread the word of God that everyone could hear and know that there is one God that continues to be faithful in our lives despite that sins that we’ve made. Listen to the song below as you meditate on the lyrics. Appreciate the voices within for this is an example of a unique God-given talent!