LifestyleTim Hawkins Released Parody of Sound of Silence with A Story of...

Tim Hawkins Released Parody of Sound of Silence with A Story of Coffee, Will Surely Tickle Your Bones!

Most people love coffee and they can’t seem to start their day without a cup of coffee kicking in. Coffee gives people good vibes and such an energetic feeling because of caffeine. A coffee shared with a friend or loved one is a happiness tasted and a time well spent. Coffee awakens every single nerve in your body and keeps you get going. Hot coffee and cold winter mornings are perfect partners!

Tim Hawkins is a famous American Christian comedian, songwriter, and singer who is well known for parodying popular songs. What people love about his spoofs are the lyrics which can really make your day happy. Tim has released a parody of a popular song Sound of Silence which was first heard from American duo Simon and Garfunkel. The song was originally written by Paul Simon way back several years ago. We’ve heard a lot of various rendition of Sound of Silence, but Tim’s parody is one of a kind!

The lyrics of Tim’s parody talks about how he loves coffee and how it affects his day to day activities. It talks about him going to Starbucks when suddenly they ran out of cream which made the people panicked and transferred to another branch across the street. You will surely laugh hard as you listen to this song with matching facial reactions from the famous comedian Tim Hawkins. Don’t close this page without clicking play on the video, you will be missing half of your life!

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