Generosity is done wholeheartedly and it is such an amazing act towards people. There are times that people need help and we are being used by God as an instrument to give a helping hand. Sometimes we do not expect things to happen in the way we wanted it to be, but God has prepared something in order for His will to be done.
Christmas season is fast approaching and just like kids, even adults are also expecting to receive presents from their loved ones. Kids usually have this attitude of neglecting their old toys especially if they got a new toy as a gift. Adults are most likely the same, they easily get bored with their old stuff and replace it with something new.
Brandi surprised her husband with a new canoe as he always talks about fishing with friends and the kids. As a wife, she wanted her husband to get what he wants this Christmas holiday. But when Don received the woodcraft, he just uses it once and stores it in the garage for a decade. Brandi would always joke about the hidden canoe and her husband would respond that he will use it on the weekend. Until one day, something unexpected happened that made him use his old Christmas present. The waters came fast at Nottingham Forest neighborhood and flood is starting to arise. It was already too dangerous for the residents to escape using their cars and the water is rising fast and hard. Don didn’t have any idea that he and his canoe is up for a mission.
Don took the canoe out of the garage and started using it in the water. He assisted people to escape the flood, some are kids and some are old people who really need help during that time. Don’s little canoe came to rescue the whole neighborhood and they were very thankful for what he did. Through social media, the message came to the authorities and extended their help as well. Who would have thought that the old wooden craft hidden in the garage would turn out to be a hero for the people of Nottingham Forest? Don and his canoe saved the day and God was there to guide everyone making sure they’ll survive.