TestimoniesPastor Andrew Brunson Prays God Will Give President Trump 'Supernatural Discernment' To...

Pastor Andrew Brunson Prays God Will Give President Trump ‘Supernatural Discernment’ To Fight Oppression

American Pastor Andrew Brunson, who was incarcerated in a Turkish prison in 2016, shared a powerful prayer asking God to help U.S. President Donald Trump fight oppression. He asked that God give Trump “supernatural discernment” to know who his enemies and friends are.

Oct. 12 marked one year since Brunson was released from Turkey after having been imprisoned for over two years for a crime he did not commit, for evangelizing people as a missionary in the country for 23 years. On the weekend, the pastor was honored at the Values Voters Summit in Washington and he began the ceremony by praying over President Trump. According to CBN News, The president reportedly worked hard to ensure Brunson’s release from prison.

“Father God, I ask now for an impartation of your Holy Spirit, may the fullness of the spirit of Jesus rest upon President Trump that he be anointed with wisdom and understanding, with your counsel and might, with knowledge and fear of the Lord, and accordingly may President Trump not judge by what he sees with his eyes or decide by what he hears with his ears or lean on his own understanding but may he recognize your prompting and move according to your guidance,” Brunson prayed.


He also asked that God give President Trump “supernatural discernment” to determine who he can and cannot trust. Brunson continued his prayer by asking the Almighty to “bring into light all deception and intrigue, expose and reverse the plans of those who would harm President Trump and this nation.”

“In the name of Jesus, I break off all voices and influences that do not come from you father God. May your truth and peace surround and reign in the White House. God, you have raised President Trump to govern at a time when there is a resurgence of oppression. Only you Lord Jesus Christ can anoint him to have victories over strongholds and to establish justice for the needy,” Brunson continued.

He likewise asked God to give the president “strength and courage to persevere in the constant battle that surrounds him” and for God to draw President Trump close to Him and for the president to love God “with all his heart, soul, mind and strength.”

In his book “God’s Hostage: A True Story of Persecution, Imprisonment, and Perseverance,” Brunson talked about his experience in a Turkish prison. He shared details about his harrowing ordeal which made him question God’s purpose for his life. He said he nearly took his own life when he felt his faith in God slipping away. In the end, he saw that God used him as a prayer magnet for people to fervently pray not just for his release but for Turkey to open its doors to Christianity.

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