Minutes before her own death, a courageous mother from Wyoming, Illinois saved her child. When a fire engulfed her home, her quick thinking saved her 12-day-old baby’s life.
After receiving a call one morning, firefighters rushed to put out a house fire. Shelby, the mother, had already died in a second-story bedroom when they arrived, so they were unable to save her. Cause of death was found to be carbon monoxide poisoning. This happens when a person inhales too much smoke.

But they did not immediately find her baby. Then the rescuers found the baby girl, Keana Davis, outside and on top of debris. Looking up, the second-floor window was broken. This led to the speculation that her mother broke the window trying to save her baby. The young girl had a minor burn and was quickly released from the hospital.
Investigations show that the mother strapped the baby to the car seat and dropped her from the window. This quick thinking and sacrificial love was the reason the baby lives.
Chief of the Wyoming-Speer Fire Protection District Ed Foglesonger said, “It’s just incredible that she was able to pull her thoughts together to save her baby. I’d say it’s nothing short of a miracle the way it ended up.”

Long time friend Stacy Unhold said that Shelby’s only dream was to become a mother. Family members said that they saw how happy she was with her “beautiful baby girl” as Shelby would refer to her daughter.
A fundraising campaign was put up and has raised more than $45,000. The fund will go to caring for the baby girl.
Without a doubt, Shelby has demonstrated to everyone what a wonderful, selfless, and quick-thinking mother she was, and we’re confident that her daughter will grow up knowing how wonderful her mother was.
So is the same love shown to us by Jesus. He died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins so that we may be forgiven and that we may live.