LifestyleArt10 Women from A Straight Line Pushes Conventional Boundaries When Led Zeppelin...

10 Women from A Straight Line Pushes Conventional Boundaries When Led Zeppelin Starts Playing

Synchronized swimming, also known as water ballet, is an underrated sport that combines grace, artistry, strength, endurance, and flexibility. Although it emphasizes entertainment, it still requires an incredible degree of athleticism.

The Spanish synchronized swimming team in the video below is known for their unconventional approach. Instead of performing to classical music, they chose to swim to the rock ‘n’ roll anthem “Stairway To Heaven” by Led Zeppelin.

The song starts slowly and softly, then picks up the tempo in true Zeppelin style, culminating in a fantastic guitar solo at the end. The team won the gold medal for this routine at the 2009 World Aquatics Championships in Rome, Italy.

Watch the video and enjoy the creativity and athleticism of these amazing athletes!

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