TestimoniesHealingAfter Two Attempts at Suicide, Drug Addict Cries Out To The Lord...

After Two Attempts at Suicide, Drug Addict Cries Out To The Lord For Help

My name is Pam Pena and I have served the Lord for 14 years now and I can truly say that God is good. He pulled me out of drug addiction and self-loathe during my younger years. You see, even if I grew up in a loving, Christian family, I sought acceptance from others during my teen years. That thirst led me to a substance abuse addiction.

I did cocaine and got involved with the drug dealer. I would do drugs for days and even weeks. Then I got pregnant and took the wrong route of having the baby aborted. Instead of getting the approval that I was looking for from my peers, they looked down on me. That experience affected me so much that I started to hate myself and became a bulimic and anorexic. I also tried to take my own life by overdosing but God spared me.

I then dropped out of college and turned further away from God. Then one day as I was driving I decided to just end my life and drove toward oncoming traffic where a passenger bus hit me. The crash wrecked my car but I walked out unharmed. The Lord miraculously saved me again.

However, the drug addiction did not stop until one day while I was driving to get more cocaine, I cried out to the Lord. From the deepest part of me,  I cried out to him for help because I was tired of all the trying and striving.

Somehow, for the first time that day, I had peace. I believe that God loves me and I know that He was going to save and help me. That was the beginning of the changes in my life. I never did drugs again and focused on building a relationship with God. I never turned back to my old habits. Now I can stand up in front of audiences and tell them that God never abandons His children no matter how far they’ve gone the dark path.




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