Bishop Ron Archer retells how a young pregnant prostitute was told that her baby would prevent her from making money on the street. She was then kicked in the stomach, given alcohol, fed drugs, and a hanger was used to stab the baby in the womb, all in an attempt to kill it, yet the baby did not die. The child was born two months premature with no pancreas, a learning disability, a bladder that was too small, and a severe stutter. The child of a prostitute’s turned trick is known on the streets as a ‘trick baby’——unwanted, no hope, no future.
Who was that baby? The heart-wrenching answer—it was the minister standing and speaking. He went on to say that he was the “lowest of the low”, coming from the “guttermost”, from “a hellish condition”. He recounted when he went to school he stuttered severely and was abused by one of his teachers. What he learned as a result of his background was “don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel, and pretend nothing is happening.” He and other children like him at school were put in a boiler room where they would finger paint all day long. There was no future for any of them.
By age 10, he had enough and wanted to die. But the grace of God shined into this man’s life in the form of a teacher who carried a Gideon Bible. She went to speak to these children whom she saw as her mission field once a week. She would read stories of dysfunctional characters in God’s word, saying that “God uses greatly those who have been wounded deeply.” She read the story of Moses who was also a stutterer and this boy began to realize that God loved trick babies. As low as he was, there was hope for him. When he began to understand the power of God, the love of God, and the possibilities in God, it changed everything for him.
He began to memorize the Bible, reading it voraciously, putting it into his heart as the verse in Psalm 119:11 says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee”, and Psalm 119:9, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” Miraculously, his stuttering went away. He stopped wetting the bed, and he began to stand tall. Later, he became a valedictorian, then a pastor, and preached until everyone in his family got saved.
How did all of this happen? Because someone placed a Gideon Bible in a woman’s hand that changed her life forever. She was then used of God to change other lives. A strong reminder of how Christians need to be active in sharing the word of God. One life changed could be a life that changes another and so on.
This man had been born a trick baby, but the “trick” was on the Devil. What a powerful reminder of what God says in His word, “she was found with child” (Matthew 1:18). Every pregnant woman today is “with child”—she carries another human in her womb. No amount of political or scientific sidestepping can change the fact that what God says is true. Share this message when the subject of abortion comes up. God took this unwanted and severely damaged baby, made a man of him, made a preacher out of him, and made his mother proud.