The world might be cruel nowadays as what we can see in the news. But out of its chaos nature, there are still some people who remain to be an evidence showing people has innate goodness. They always care about what others may feel and how they live their everyday life. These are people who are blessed with pure heart that makes the Lord proud.

Carlos Davis and his brother were on the gas station when they saw a woman counting her pennies to pay at the counter. Immediately the brothers felt the urge of helping the woman. Carlos pulled some cash out and handed it to the woman. The woman burst in tears telling them about her story. She just lost her husband and she’s trying to cope up with her situation. She was so thankful of what the gentlemen did and asked how she can repay them. Carlos told the woman that she doesn’t need to pay the money but instead, she can pay it forward whenever she gets the chance to help others.

Comedian’s mission is to make people laugh, but what the Davis brothers made was a touching move and can make everyone’s heart melt! That simple act of kindness can change the woman’s point of view. Instead of thinking about how unlucky she was for losing her husband, she must be thankful that somebody is willing to help her out of darkness. Start showing people simple act of kindness and spread positivity among men! Make your Father in heaven proud of your generous deeds.