LifestyleCelebrity Pastor Fantasy Draft By Christian Comedian John Crist

Celebrity Pastor Fantasy Draft By Christian Comedian John Crist

John Crist strikes again as this Celebrity Pastor Fantasy Draft video is now going viral. People have different reactions as John Crist, teamed up with 3 of his good pals, calculates the PPR (Pastor’s Performance Rating) of the celebrity pastors on the draft.

If it can be done for football, why not with pastors? In football, they calculate the QBR (Quarterback Rating) to determine the overall performance of a quarterback. Football fans do this game of picking NFL players for your own fantasy team and predicting which ones will perform the best from week to week. John Crist, with his humor, did it with celebrity pastors. Instead of calculating the QBR, they calculated the PPR.

To find the PPR you need to “…take the number in a pastor’s congregation, divide it by the number of satellite campuses, take the number of times you see them on TV each week multiplied by the number of New York Times bestselling books divided by the number of minutes their sermon goes over each week.” Very Simple.

They started by picking a team name. Andrew Stanley heads up “Non-Denomination Domination.” Aaron Chewning names his team “Show Me the Tithe Money.” Crist chooses “First and 10 Percent.” And Tripp Cosby chooses “Take a Knee” (for prayer, not the anthem).

Each of them then picks pastors for their team based on the pastor’s strengths. Here are some of their picks:

Joel Osteen: “He has books in airports, preaches to a large congregation every week, great looking man, beautiful wife—the Tom Brady of pastors.”

Steven Furtick: “The highest applause break per sermon of any white pastor.” “He always comes into the season in great shape too…just CrossFit twice a day.”

Jesse Duplantis: “He’s about to raise $54 million dollars for his private jet. His sermons per week average are about to skyrocket.”

Beth Moore: “Her twitter account right now—fire, dude.”

Joseph Prince: “The best hair in the draft.”

Andy Stanley: “He always converts in the red zone (holidays).”

Then they went on with “Rapid Fire Flex” pick. For this selection, each participant picks a quality from three undrafted pastors to be combined into one super pastor. Their combination picks will surely leave you laughing out loud!

Somehow satirical and somehow humorous, the qualities that they’ve mentioned gained different reactions in social media. Some take it as simply jokes based on reality, as exaggerated comedy. However, others take it negatively and somehow begin to criticize the way pastors live their lives.

I believe John Crist just put the issues on the table with his wit and humor.  The pastors should be mindful of how they live their lives because there are people looking at them, so like every Christian. This actually reminds us that as Christians, people are looking at our lives that’s why we should reflect Jesus in every area—attitude, finance, relationship, in everything.

We ought to reflect Jesus at the end of the day! This is a very good reminder. However, this video wasn’t supposed to be political in any way and it was just meant to be funny!

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