LifestyleFamilyDad Sold Beloved Car to Pay for Daughter's Seminary, 21 Years Later...

Dad Sold Beloved Car to Pay for Daughter’s Seminary, 21 Years Later She Secretly Buy It Back

Stephanie’s father, like many other good parents, made sacrifices to provide his children with opportunities for success. When he was 16, he bought a 1936 Ford Sedan, which he restored and took to vehicle exhibitions across the US, often winning first place.

In 1993, he sold the car to pay for Stephanie’s seminary school tuition. “My dad talked about this car for as long as I can remember, always saying he would buy it back if he could find it,” Stephanie wrote on YouTube. So she decided to find it 21 years later. After months of searching, she found it, raised the money and orchestrated a secret plan with her mother.

As Stephanie handed her father the keys, he noticed she had Matthew 19:29 emblazoned on the chain, which said, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.”

Watch the heartwarming moment when Stephanie gives the car back to her grateful father, showing appreciation for the sacrifices he made.

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