We all have unique personalities and this is in connection to God’s calling. We are bestowed with God-given talents with the purpose of sharing God’s word to others especially the non-believers. When God calls us to serve Him, we can’t help but listen to His voice as He declares His plan in using us as His disciples. Have you ever experience the feeling like God is knocking into your heart? Are you willing to sacrifice everything to follow His will?
Amanda Riggan works as a FedEx driver who made everyone go crazy when she uploaded a video telling people about her heart-melting experience. She was on her route delivering packages when a lady who lives nearby was checking on her mailbox. Being cheerful, she asked the old woman if how is her holiday season. The old lady answered that it wasn’t well because her husband is sick and is suffering from cancer. Amanda felt bad hearing the old lady and she felt the urge of doing something to make her feel good.

Amanda was on her way to finish her deliveries that day but she couldn’t help thinking that upon hearing the old woman’s struggle in life is already the perfect time for her to introduce Jesus. So she went back to the old lady’s house and when the old lady saw her, she gave Amanda a sweet smile. Amanda offered to pray for the old lady and her family. God wants us to be more proactive in sharing His word to others. His greatest commandment is for us to be fishers of man. Tell the world about His goodness and His mercy will follow all the days of your life. Watch the video below and listen to Amanda’s testimony. Don’t forget to grab a hanky!