LOUISVILLE, KY — Robert Simpson stood by the roadside holding up a sign asking for work and a few days afterwards, he was employed at a home remodelling company and then some more.
“This is a blessing,” said the 25-year handyman in an interview as he was on his second day at work. “I didn’t even ask him what he was paying, I just came,” Simpson added, laughing.
When asked why he held up the sign by the road, he said that “Nobody is going to give you that. You have to get it yourself” which was telling of his work ethic and desire to earn an honest living.
The people who passed by him took photos of him and posted on their social media. Kyle Kark, the owner of Green Star Home Remodelling company called Simpson. He immediately reached back to Kark and said that we would like to work for him.
Kark said that Simpson was very eager to get started. Since Kark would pick up Simpson to go to work, the handyman would call him up to make sure that they would be on the way to the job site.
Simpson lost his work when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. He also lost the apartment they were renting. Up to the point when he got work, he and his family, including a six-year old stepson, were staying at a hotel for about seven weeks.
Little did he know, Kark started a fundraiser for Simpson and his family. Along with various donors, they were able to raise $14,000.
Upon receiving the news, Simpson was lost for words. All he could utter was “That’s God’s work” while trying to hold back his tears. “I’ve never imagined this,” he added.
Matthew 7:7-8 tells us to “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” This teaches us that we should work and do our best in this life and God, who sees our intentions, will reward us accordingly.