God has planned everything according to His will. It was already been set since Day 1 and nobody can change the future that God has prepared for us. Everything that we ask in His name will be given as long as have good intentions and it is for His glory. As we tackle our journey in life, God sends troubles along the way to test our faith. It is through Him and only Him can give us the strength to overcome such hardships. We just need to trust God and lay it all to Him for He will surely deliver us from being drowned.
Jimmy Dorrell is a local pastor in Texas who leads a congregation to worship under the bridge. The church under the bridge welcomes people with different backgrounds and way of living. They may differ on their status in the society but they are all up to one goal and that is to serve God. But when the Texas Department of Transportation announced their plan of widening Interstate 35, the members of the congregation were smelling trouble. If this happens, the place where they held their Sunday service will be surely affected.
God worked mysteriously as He knows the situation that His people are facing. He used Chip Gaines as an instrument to give them assistance and solve their problem. God answered their prayer and in an instant Pastor Dorrell received a phone call from Chip Gaines and was surprised for his good news. Chip and Joanna are celebrities who were loved by people because of their kind heart going beyond things helping people in need. When they heard about the renovation, they decided to contact Pastor Dorrell and extended their help. They had an agreement with Magnolia to use the Silos where they can continue worshiping God. It was a one year contract and Pastor Dorrell was very thankful for having a new relocation site for the church to stand.
Everything in Christ is possible and as long as you ask in His name, it will be given to you. For God knows the desires of your heart and bless the life of a faithful servant. Worry no more for the Lord is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.