T. Scott Marr was declared brain dead, and his children made the difficult decision to pull the plug. They said their final good-byes and were preparing his services. However, what happened next was nothing short of a miracle.
After being unconscious for two days, Marr unexpectedly woke up after his doctors thought there was no hope of recovery and his breathing tubes were pulled out.
“This whole thing has been a miracle from God,” Marr said. “I did not die. I didn’t have to die. I’m back here, and I hope to give people some comfort and hope that if they are, in fact, going through anything like that, that it’s a safe place.”
During the two days that Marr was unconscious, he had what some might call a near-death experience. He saw his late father walking along the street. “He said, ‘What are you doing here?’ And I said I’m looking to work, and he said, ‘There’s no work here, you better get your butt home,'” Marr said.
When Marr’s son, Drew, found his father, he was unresponsive but still breathing, on his bed. He was rushed to Methodist Hospital and placed on a breathing machine in intensive care. Doctors initially said Marr had suffered a stroke, but they were worried that his case had reached an irreversible process leading to brain death.
“Each time we would leave the hospital, we would kind of say our final goodbyes,” his daughter, Preston Marr, said. “We thought we would never hear his voice again, see him open his eyes, and see who we were.”
But everything changed after the plug was pulled. Preston was the first to see him begin to miraculously respond. “It was surreal, and my heart is beating out of my chest just thinking about it again,” she said, “I keep replaying it in my head of him laying in his hospital bed, then smiling, and then moving his thumbs and then wiggling his toes, and then saying I love you.”

Although miraculous, the process of recovery is still ongoing. Because his brain went through a lot. He’s having to retrain his brain.” The family is pitching in to care for Marr. Lauren, his other daughter, who is currently in nursing school, is also helping to care for their father.
Marr says the entire process strengthened what little faith he had. “I’m not an extremely religious person. I don’t go to church every Sunday,” Marr told the World-Herald. “But I do believe in God. I believe with all my heart. And now this is just proof for me that everything I’ve ever heard is true. That he loves me. That he’s right there for me. It was pretty much a miracle.”