Lifestyle'Oh My Soul' by Casting Crowns Inspired the Parents of a Sick...

‘Oh My Soul’ by Casting Crowns Inspired the Parents of a Sick Girl to Let Go and Let God

‘Oh My Soul‘ by Casting Crowns conveys a very special message that many of us just need to hear at the moment! Listen to this story that will surely inspire you to cast away every fear and put all your hopes in God.

Songs have special ways to convey messages and feelings that will surely pierce to one’s heart. After receiving his cancer diagnosis, Mark Hall poured out all his emotions in front of God and wrote this inspiring song. Based on his favorite scripture Psalm 43:5, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God”, Mark expressed his fear through this song and He just started to put all of his hopes in God.

“One day at a time I can follow Him through the dark place and He’s gonna be on the other side of it.”—Mark Hall

The message of hope conveyed in this song is the same hope that helped Nathanael and Lauren Kotras face the battle that’s in front of them. Their daughter, Emmy, was diagnosed with congenital heart disease even before she was born. And when she was 5 years old, Emmy needed to undergo an open heart surgery for her heart to continue beating. This was the biggest fear that her parents have to deal with. This is not just Emmy’s battle but it is the battle of the people who love her most.

‘Oh my Soul’ just helped them get through this battle. This song reaffirmed them from time and time again that they are not alone in their battle, and that’s when they surrender every fear that they have to God. Upon hearing this song, Nathanael and Lauren began to let go and let God. Indeed, God is faithful! Emmy’s surgery went well and the faith that they have in God becomes stronger.

Yes, sometimes we fear, but we can always put our hope in God. The battle may be tough and the fear of the unknown may be great but one thing is for sure: We are not alone.

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