LifestyleShaney Lee’s First Notes Captured Listeners' Hearts on The Voice Kids...

Shaney Lee’s First Notes Captured Listeners’ Hearts on The Voice Kids UK

Having a kid with a brilliant voice is something that parents should be proud of. We need to discover our kid’s hidden talent and nurture it to the best that we can. This is one way of giving them the feeling that they are being supported to achieve their goals in life preparing them for a better future. We should determine the things that they are fond of doing and make sure we engage them in some activities that can boost up their self-esteem.

A cute little boy who grew up in a farm started to amaze people with his unbelievable performance in The Voice Kids UK. His life was never easy yet he pursued to reach his dream of having a good career in singing. He decided to join The Voice Kids UK to showcase his golden voice. His family was supportive and they encouraged Shaney to do good during the blind audition. The little boy started with his first note that made the audience go crazy. He has chosen to sing Take Me Home Country Roads which is an original song of John Denver. He was so lovely when you hear him sing with matching feet tapping.

Shaney got a one of a kind voice which brings out the best in him. The judges turned their back as they value an incredible talent from a very young boy. Shaney is just a 7-year-old boy who has the courage to fight and show other people his unique talent, watch and listen to the amazing performance.

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