Kim Lacefield has been married for 12 years. She was blessed with three children but still, she couldn’t stop thinking about other kids who need love and care.
In her prayer journal, Kim asked God whether she should foster or adopt. God answered her when she immediately received a phone call that would change her life forever.
Kim got a phone call from the police station saying her godchildren needed a home but Kim was clueless about who her godchildren were. She found out they were from a lady who attended their church where her husband was the pastor.
Kim agreed to take in the boys who were ages 6, 8, and 10 at that time. They had no clothes other than what they had on their back, no toothbrush, blanket, or even a favorite pillow.
She remembered how scared the little kids were as they turned up at her house not knowing who she was. The next day, the two older brothers were able to live with their biological father. She looked after the 6-year-old for a year before giving him to his father as well.
Not long after letting her 6-year-old boy go, Kim received a phone call, this time, to foster a 5-year-old girl.
Kim recalled the poor girl’s situation. She had head lice, body lice, and pinworms. She learned that the girl came from a dirty foster home where she was made to lay on the floor.

It was a struggle to treat the girl’s lice and infection. Even in school, the teachers noted how the girl lagged in class to the point where she couldn’t even trace the letter ‘L’. But Kim did not give up. She worked with the school to set up a plan on how to help the girl get back on track. By the end of her first year, the girl made big progress.
The teachers and social workers were amazed at how far the girl had achieved. Two weeks after taking in the girl (who is now 6 years old), Kim received another call asking her to foster the girl’s two-year-old sister.
“She had a broken arm and big sores on her skin.” Kim recalled. “She seemed so scared but after a while, she looked up at my wall of pictures and said, ‘Addy.’ That was her sister she recognized. I will never forget that moment. It has made me passionate about keeping sibling groups together.”
The following year, the birth mom signed her rights to take over the two girls and the dad, who was in jail, fought for his rights too. It lasted for over 3 years.
Kim knew that even though the mother loved her kids very much, she couldn’t be the mother the kids deserved because she has been in and out of rehab.
As soon as Kim received a call that the girls had been cleared for adoption, she instantly processed their legal adoption papers. The girls still managed to keep in touch with their birth parents because Kim knew it would make a positive impact on the girls’ lives.

The selflessness of Kim and her family is heart-warming. The kids are truly blessed to have become a part of their family. Don’t forget to share this amazing story with your friends and family.