Lifestyle"This house is OURS, not just mine. These children are OURS, not...

“This house is OURS, not just mine. These children are OURS, not just mine.”—Says this Stay At Home Mom

Marriage is easy as a walk in the park. Husbands and wives have different roles to play, but these roles should compliment especially that the family is both their responsibility.

Kayla Elizabeth Roussin is married to Jonathan  Roussin. She is not just a wife or a stay at home housekeeper, but she is definitely a MOM. She made this role clear in her Facebook post last August 25.

 “When my husband and I decided I should be a stay at home mom, we agreed that that’s what I would be, a MOM. I am not a stay at home housekeeper.”

Being a fulltime housewife and mom is probably to hardest job ever, contrary to popular belief. Some may applaud people who are earning thousands or millions of dollar because of the job that they do in the four corners of an airconditioned office for some hours a day. But a stay at home Mom, who gives their whole life to make their house a home and to raise their children to be the best that they can be, without even having any compensation, is most often not even appreciated, or worst even looked down. People have lots of misconceptions regarding the role of stay at home moms.

But Kayla puts some clarity on their ‘job description’: “Yes, I clean throughout the day, but my main focus will always be my children. Most of the cleaning I do during the day involves our kids in some way, switching laundry, unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming, picking up toys… I stay at home to be present in their lives, not to make sure my house is spotless at a moments notice.”

With all these works in the house and in all the works needed to raise the children, Kayla also highlighted the husband’s role as a Dad: “We fold the laundry together after WE put our kids to bed, and use that as a time to talk about the day or whatever is on our minds. He does most of the outdoor work, not because I won’t, but because he uses that time to bond with the kids and teach them how to mow/weed whip/etc. This house is OURS, not just mine. These children are OURS, not just mine.”

Kayla pointed out that marriage and parenting should be done alongside each other. She also pointed out the roles that husbands and dads have, more than just working to pay the bills and provide for the family.“Going to work and paying the bills does not exclude you from parenting and household duties.”

A lot of marriages fail nowadays. However, it is possible to work things out if the people involved in a marriage are willing to do so. Kayla’s post enlightens everyone, especially the husbands, that marriage is a dual partnership and raising the children is a teamwork.

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