LifestyleYoung Caregiver Sings Final Hymn For Her Dying Patient: 'In The Garden'

Young Caregiver Sings Final Hymn For Her Dying Patient: ‘In The Garden’

The daily compassion of our caregivers is usually unnoticed. It’s about time to show the world that there are people like Isabelle.

Isabelle Jennings, a young caregiver from Kansas City, sung a final song to her dying patient and friend, Mary Helen Schmelzle.

Isabelle is working at Life Care Center in Kansas and one of her patients is Mary. She used to spend her day helping out the 94-year-old lovely Mary and every Friday, she would go into her room so she could sing her a song. One day, Mary told Isabelle that she was struggling with congestive heart failure and she knew she was nearing her end.

When Isabelle found out about this, she immediately went over to the care center that Mary was residing on her day off so she could sing to her one last time. She sang, “In the garden” which was recorded by Mary’s daughter, Julie.

On January 21, just days after the video was recorded, Mary passed away. Julie posted the video on the internet in hopes of inspiring other caregivers. According to her, the best gift you could ever give someone is your time and your compassion.

“I am hoping they see the beauty of someone like Isabelle in the present moment, taking the time to be compassionate,” she said.

Isabelle said she found a kindred heart with the old lady. She added that Mary cared so much with the other residents, something that she connected with.

“We would be at supper, she would see if people needed help. We just loved her and she was so dear to us,” said Isabelle.

Julie is not surprised at all that her mother made friends with the caregivers. Her faith is so strong that she even shared the words of God with the staff at the care center, she often prayed for them.

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