In 2013, a heartwarming moment took place at Plumb Elementary School in Clearwater, Florida. Little Claire was performing in a Christmas concert with her classmates, and her deaf parents, Lori Koch and Tom Koch, were in the audience to support her. However, Claire was worried they wouldn’t be able to hear her sing. To ensure they could still be part of the performance, she signed the lyrics to the songs they were singing. This sweet gesture was captured on film and went viral, receiving over 10.5 million views on YouTube.
Claire and her younger sister Charlotte were born with full hearing and the ability to speak normally, but they also learned American Sign Language at a young age to communicate with their parents. Lori Koch spoke to Buzzfeed about the touching moment, stating, “Claire used sign language in the play because she was considerate of us and wanted us to understand the lyrics to the song.” This wasn’t the first time Claire put her parents above others, as she always relays information to them if there is something they missed.
Claire’s intention of wanting her “whole family to understand” her resonated with millions, and she became an overnight sensation. Lori wasn’t expecting the video to go viral, but it was clear that Claire’s actions were too precious to ignore. Claire’s personality and love for her parents shone through in the video, and it’s a moment that will be cherished by everyone who witnessed it.
Claire’s heartwarming gesture towards her deaf parents during the Christmas concert at Plumb Elementary School has touched the hearts of millions and serves as a reminder of the power of love and consideration.