As we grow older, our body gets weak and we get to be more prone to different types of illness. Most of the people who get sick are the elderly and it is always good to have children who takes time to take good care of the elders in the family. A lot of things may happen any time of the day and sometimes those are unexpected events in our lives. Whatever it is that life may bring, we need to be equipped and what is important is that we have offered our lives to Jesus who is the Savior of every soul.

An elderly man named Kenneth Connors was admitted to Alabama hospital and he is very ill. He was taken cared of the hospital staffs and they were really nice to him. Kenneth’s heart was only functioning at 15% and he is about to end his journey. His family has already decided to remove the machines that are attached to his body and there’s nothing that the doctors can do anymore.

The hospital staffs were so nice that they even assisted in Kenneth’s baptism before leaving the earth. It was an emotional yet a successful baptism when he received Jesus Christ in his life. Indeed the angels of the Lord were rejoicing in heaven because of one soul who turned in to Jesus. We may see a lot of cruel acts on media nowadays but what the hospital staffs did prove that there are still good and generous people who exist. Watch Kenneth’s baptism and think twice, have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? Don’t let a single day pass without doing so, offer your life to Him and He will surely bless you with abundant blessings.