LifestyleVP Mike Pence: If God's People Live Godly Life, God Will Heal...

VP Mike Pence: If God’s People Live Godly Life, God Will Heal Our Land

“To be or not to be.” For Mike pence it is not choosing one road, it is a traversing of both roads and linking them together for the good of America. As in his words “It was God who made America great and it is God who can make America great again”.

In this speech, Mike Pence boldly asserts that when people pray for America then surely God will heal the homeland. Using history as an illustration; that America was founded on faith, was economically built on faith and progressed beyond expectations because of the men and women who have believed that God is able to do exceedingly in all things.

“In these times, I need God more than ever”. This declaration from an accomplished statesman is humbling to the heart. Most people would agree with the vice president that everyone should take the time to kneel and lift up the U.S.A. to God. To everyone who believes in freedom, faith, the sanctity of life and liberty – prayer for the country is a must. The essence of America is that it is a country that believes in The almighty – The all-powerful One – The alpha and Omega of everything. Therefore, it is essential that people who believe in Jesus must make a stand and bring America to the courts of heaven that it may become the best yet that it should be.

Watch the video as Mike Pence shares from the heart…

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