First-Grade Teacher in Alabama Ordered to Stop Praying with Her Class Before...

First-Grade Teacher in Alabama Ordered to Stop Praying with Her Class Before Lunch

An unidentified teacher at Norwood Elementary School in Birmingham, Alabama was ordered to stop praying with her class.

The teacher prayed with her class every day before lunch until a complaint from a parent brought it to an end. In addition to praying, the teacher allegedly taught her students Christian songs and Bible verses. The principal was also cited in the complaint as beginning school faculty meetings with prayer.

A letter from attorney, Christopher Line, of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, to the school superintendent, expressed that religion may not be promoted or practiced in schools by teachers or administrators.

The attorney for Birmingham City Schools, Ashuanti Parker, replied to the letter stating that the teacher and principal were told to cease from these activities. A parent-teacher conference was also held to address the parent’s complaint. Furthermore, all teachers were told to stop conducting teacher-led prayer or other religious instruction within the school.

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Source: Christian Headlines

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