TestimoniesDreamGirl Dreams Of A Dove And Experiences Holy Spirit's Healing

Girl Dreams Of A Dove And Experiences Holy Spirit’s Healing

My name is Moni, I am from Ottawa and I am a devout Catholic. I was baptized as a Catholic and I go to a Catholic church on Sundays with my family. But came high school everything changed. I was lured into a chaotic lifestyle of partying, smoking marijuana, and drinking on weekends. I no longer became a practicing Christian.

But then I met this guy who invited me to go to his church. I remember while there, I became very emotional when people started praying over me. But that did not convince me to return to being a practicing Christian. I became worse and started stealing and was caught stealing at a mall with my friends.

Weirdly enough, before I got caught I dreamt about a dove (which in the Bible represents the Holy Spirit) thrown at me on my face and I felt the bird’s heartbeat. I felt that it was hurt but it would not die. I eventually learned that the dream meant the Holy Spirit was hurt by my actions.

Then I eventually started asking God if He is real and if He is then why can’t he speak to me and why can’t I hear him. I went on this long journey to find out the truth until one day when I opened the TV I saw this man speaking about Jesus.

It was so random I didn’t choose the channel. The more I heard him talk about Jesus the more I felt my faith start to fill me up. From that point on I started believing in Jesus and started reading the Bible. I also started reading devotional books which helped me open my eyes to the wonders of God’s creation.

I also felt the Holy Spirit washed over me when my friend prayed over me. I also felt healed from my mental disorder after I started walking in the path of Jesus. I felt that I am not alone as long as I have God to guide and watch over me.





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