TestimoniesJoyce Meyer Says "Glad It Happened" and Forgives All Harms Even Included...

Joyce Meyer Says “Glad It Happened” and Forgives All Harms Even Included Being Raped

We go through hardships in life that could ruin our faith in everything that we believe in. We get weak and we always think that we will not survive at all. But do you know that everything that happens in your life is God’s will? His main purpose is for us to grow stronger and closer to Him. These struggles in life have lessons attached and can make us a better person.

Joyce Meyer is a Christian author and speaker who preaches the word of God as an inspiration to people. She was married to her husband Dave and is blessed with 4 children. Her father went into the army and fought during World War II soon after she was born. Upon his return, he sexually abused his daughter Joyce which she spoke in her interviews and meetings. She always speaks humorously and tells everyone about her own shortcomings and what she is right now. Despite being raped 200 times until she was 18 years old by her own father, she is still thankful that everything happened to her. Thankful in a way that everything that she went through made her a better person today.

It might be surprising hearing somebody thanking God for her struggles in life but if you believe in all of His promises and teachings, you will know that everything that we’re going through is part of God’s masterpiece. His words in Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” Believe in Him and you will be blessed. Seek first His kingdom and everything will be granted unto you.

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