LifestyleMan Created Short Film Remembering Mom In Heaven During Christmas Season Must...

Man Created Short Film Remembering Mom In Heaven During Christmas Season Must Touched Your Heart!

Celebrating the holiday season without your loved ones beside you must really be difficult. The cold breeze that touches your skin as you hear Christmas carols played on the air will surely leave you in tears as you reminisce the previous Christmas with your family. It is a season of love and joy and celebrating it alone is not gonna be a good idea at all.

Phil Beastall created a short film last 2014 entitled “Love Is A Gift”. His mother’s death encouraged him to record a video as a tradition of remembering his mom during Christmas season. The video shows a man seated on the table along with a cassette player. He’s counting days until Christmas and his face is full of sorrow. Then he plays a tape and smiles every time he hears his mother’s voice. His eyes are full of tears as he realizes that the tape is already the last tape that he will ever play.

Beastall uploaded the short video on his Facebook account and it turned out to be a viral sensation. A lot of people have viewed the video and was able to relate to the story as well as the message that it wants to impart to the viewers. This video reminds us that every time we get stuck in the same situation, pray to the Lord and ask for His comfort that you may feel happy and secured. Living a life with Jesus is eternal happiness and there will be no time for grieving there in His kingdom.

LOVE IS A GIFT – Christmas Short Film
LOVE IS A GIFT. **The official and original home of this film.** A short film about a man counting down the days to Christmas so he can continue his yearly tradition sparked by a tragic moment from the past. Created by Phil Beastall. Starring Chris Ilston and Natalie Martins.

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