When Maxine Allison won a poinsettia plant in the Christmas of 1996, her husband Frankie never thought it would be something that he would have to live with for a long time.
The plant was a prize for a call-in radio show. As it was Christmas that day, it was a fitting reward.

But in a sad turn of events, Maxine suddenly passed away three days after from a fatal heart attack leaving her husband behind.
Frankie was devastated with the loss of his wife. He didn’t think too much of the plant while he was grieving his wife.
When the widowed man was cleaning out his wife’s belongings, he decided to keep the plant for the holiday. But little did he know, something was going to happen to the plant.
Most types of plants like poinsettia do not last for a long time. But this one just kept on growing and growing.
When CNBC caught a whiff of the news, they went to the man to see if the story was real. In 2016, it made national news.
The plant, when the news crew saw it, was over five feet tall and weighed over 100 lbs. It was massive and even plant experts did not have any explanation why the plant grew to massive proportions. What’s more, poinsettias usually last for just a few months indoors.

Surely, the plant is a reminder of Maxine. Some of Frankie’s friends and family say that the plan has his wife’s spirit in it.
Frankie said in an interview, “They say ‘That’s a miracle plant.’ and ‘Your wife is still with you.’”
What’s more astounding to experts is that Frankie doesn’t put all too much attention to it. He just waters it twice a week and puts fertilizer on it regularly. He said that he is not sure why the plant has thrived the way it did.
Every Christmas, the plant blooms and changes leaves to red and fills the room with his beloved wife.
In Matthew 6:28-29, Jesus uses flowers to illustrate God’s care for us.
See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.