LifestyleMom With Alzheimers Supported By Sons Through Notecard Testimony, Brings Awareness To...

Mom With Alzheimers Supported By Sons Through Notecard Testimony, Brings Awareness To Everyone

Every time we encounter problems in life, the very first person that we share our emotions to is with our mother. We always believe that a mother knows best and she is the best person to talk to every time we feel hopeless. A mother’s love is unconditional and sacrificial. She will do everything in her power just to make sure that her child gets the best in the world. She will tackle every winding road and do what it takes in order for her child to have a good life someday.

Kathy Ryan is a mother of two, Andrew and Matt. Kathy suffers from early onset Alzheimers disease. Her sons have already accepted the fact that time will come that their mom will forget everything about them and in connection to this, they wanted to spread awareness to everyone. They prepared a video with their mom Kathy showing some notecards with special messages. This is a sweet way to show all the love and support that they have for their mom.

Supporting people with dementia or temporary loss of memory should start at home. The family is the basic unit of community and showing that you care for a family member who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease is a big thing for them. It will help them develop their self-esteem and will provide hope for them to continue fighting their greatest battle. Eventually, they will forget everything because of their illness, but showing that you love them will help these patients become more optimistic in life. Watch the video below and if you know people who suffers from dementia, today is the day to start letting them feel that they matter!

Sons’ moving video to mum who has early onset Alzheimer’s.
Kathy Ryan who has Early Onset Alzheimer’s, and her sons Andrew and Matt get behind the The Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s Dementia Care Begins at Home campaign. Please sign our petition urging the Government to invest in dementia care here:

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