LifestyleWoman Removed Painting Getting Rid Of Mosquito, Bursted In Tears When Luck...

Woman Removed Painting Getting Rid Of Mosquito, Bursted In Tears When Luck Came Knocking On Her Door

Most of the time we look into the physical attributes of something to define its worth. Every time we look at beautiful things we may think that it is something valuable just because it gives satisfaction to the eyes. But unfortunately, there are also a lot of people who are often deceived just because of the outside appearance. Just because it gives a glow on the first look, we neglect to examine what is there inside of it.

A lady once got irritated by a mosquito trying to escape from being stuck in an old painting until finally, the woman removed the painting on the wall. It was an old painting hanging above the bed of her deceased grandmother. The painting depicts a group of Sioux riding on horses while traveling as they passed on a rocky mountain. The lady didn’t have any idea at all how much the old painting would bring her luck that day. All she knew is that she needs to remove the mosquito causing unnecessary noise as it was stuck at the back of the old wooden frame.

The woman heard about the Antiques Roadshow coming to Harrisburg wherein a lot of people are excited to show their old possessions. Everyone wants to give it a try to Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center to have their valuables checked by experts. The woman tried her luck without expecting too much as she visits the area with her old painting. When the expert asked her where she got the painting, she immediately answered that the antique was owned by her grandmother and that it was probably given by her dad when her grandmother is just 19 years old. When the expert explained the value of the painting, the woman was shocked and she bursts in tears as this is something that she never expected and she was just trying her luck. Watch the video below and figure out how valuable grandmother’s painting was!

Best Moment: 1892 H. F. Farny Watercolor & Gouache Painting
How did a mosquito reveal a masterpiece? Meredith Hilferty appraises this 1892 H. F. Farny watercolor & gouache painting in Harrisburg, Hour 1. See more Season 22 Best Moments now: ANTIQUES ROADSHOW airs Mondays at 8/7C PM & 9/8C PM on PBS. Watch full-length episodes of ANTIQUES ROADSHOW at

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