Having a family is a lifetime job that needs serious budgeting and sacrifices to make ends meet. Parents may have to work hard and sacrifice more, especially when taking care of a big family.
However, the Torppey family with parents Wade and Michelle willingly welcome seven new members from the orphanage in their brood of six.

Both Wade and Michelle Torppey would have more Me-time together when their five biological kids will all be going to college, leaving them with their five-year-old kid at home. But their house would soon be filled again with seven members from an orphanage in Mokrets, Ukraine, who they first met back in 2019 during a summer break.
These orphans are not total strangers from the Torppey family. They first invited the orphaned Ukrainian kids to spend Christmas with them back in 2018. They spent time with them again during their summer break in 2019. And, since then, Michelle felt a certain closeness towards the kids like they were family.
“My kids were like, “Mom and dad, you guys are nuts.” But once they got here, my whole family just fell in love,” Michelle shared.

The Torppey’s love the Ukrainian kids. When they sent them home for winter, the whole family missed them and felt heartbroken seeing them go to the airport.
The feeling was mutual. The kids from Ukraine also missed the Torppey’s after spending time with them in 2019.
“When they left, they said, “We love it here, we love you. Can we come back again?”
Wade and Michelle have the same thought about adopting the kids. At first, they were hesitant and tried to consult the idea with their kids. The issue of being ripped apart from their little brothers and sisters came up. After quite some time, the Torppey’s decided to adopt the whole family and live with them in the United States.
Unfortunately, Covid-19 hit the town and delayed the adoption process. Finding a new adoption agency was a challenge after the first agency got bankrupt in April 2020. They were back to square one in putting all the certificates and documents together.
The year 2020 further put a strain on their plans. But, after a year of Facetimes and online communication, the Torppeys’ finally had the chance to travel to Ukraine in January 2021 and got hold of an official pickup date on June 23. Finally, they officially took the family from the orphanage and arrived in the US on July 2.
With lots of adjustments and cooperation, Wade and Michelle succeeded in welcoming the new members of their growing brood.
“We try to teach them that, yes they’ve had a rough life at their age, and bad things happened. They lost their parents, that’s tragic, that’s traumatizing. But, if you look at the big picture, God had a plan for these kids,” Michelle shared.